Mona Lisa Slide Show

Mona Lisa ATC's 2.5" x 3.5"

November 29, 2004

Snow and Atc's

What a wonderful day we had yesterday. It started snowing at 10 am and snowed all day and most of the night and left some beautiful snow on the ground. And it is still here today and snowed a little more this morning and earlier this afternoon. My hubby was working on our entertainment center he is building it is so beautiful will put a pic when it is done. I did not get much done read a book I got in the mail today "Artist Trading Cards an anthology of Atc's" It is a wonderful book with alot of atc to check out and learn a few techniques and get several peoples take on them. :) I just love Atc's its my newest passion. My 13yr old daughter is starting to show an interest in them too which make this mom very happy. Put me in the mood to work on some but need to finish up some other swaps first. LOLWell tonight going to watch Monday night football with my dh or Monster house, monster garage, and American Chopper some of our favorite shows on tv. :)
Have a good night!!!!!!

November 18, 2004


What is art???
Is it a feeling an artist has???
What an artist has laying around???
Has the artist been inspired by someone or something???
Does the artist just want to play and feel free???
Ponder this the next time you say someones art sucks.
Cause what you don't like may just be someones heart and soul.
And remember someone may look at your art and be breaking your heart :)


November 17, 2004

Coffee Tag I made for a swap. If you could smell through the computer screen I have coffee mixed with embossing poweder and embossed on the tag (which smells yummy) LOL Posted by Hello

Day is off to a good start ;)

Today is starting out to be a good day. I awoke wide awake dh and I got our kids off to school and I made him breakfast. He is busy studying for college classes and watching Riddick(sp). Made myself some coffee this morning. And reading emails etc. Also talk to my mom in the mornings on im. :)

Really need to get busy today have some swaps to get done packaged and it the mail.
Also want to get to the library to get the 4th Harry Potter on Cd.
We rented Shrek 2 last night that is a funny movie. I just love the Cat (Puss N Boots) ;))
Well off to work on some swaps so I can get working on christmas gifts. Will write more later.

November 16, 2004

where does the time go :|

There never seems to be enough time in our day. So much to do so little time. Sometimes I wish time could freeze so we all could get a little more done in the little time we have. Being a Caffeine junky sure does help to accomplish so much more LOL ;) Posted by Hello

"oops" She should of been more carefull (ATC) Posted by Hello

Vintage Angel ATC  Posted by Hello

To Be or not to Be  Posted by Hello

Monday was fun!!!

Today I spent the day with my hubby. We watched a movie, I finished reading the 3rd Harry potter on cd. In the afternoon my whole family had eye doctor appointments and found out that my vision sucks and both my older children need glasses.

Hubby and I had our monday night football date night we meet friends at a sports bar and watch the football game. Eagles and Cowboys game was pretty good.

We got home a little after 11 and crashed in bed.

Had no creativity time today. :)