Mona Lisa Slide Show

Mona Lisa ATC's 2.5" x 3.5"

February 07, 2005

Are scrapbookers getting way to serious

Are Scrapbookers getting way to serious???
There are a number of copy cat scrapbook groups out there with different names but the same people. Why not just have one big group of everyone in all those group? And the rules in some of these groups just suck the fun out of the group.
Yes I will admit rules are needed but the extreme some groups go is just crazy. And lately they are so quick to judge and oust people just from hear say. It is a crazy world scrapbooking groups.
FYI: That was just my opinion and venting.

I have been drawn to atc (artist trading card groups) the people are a little more free in thinking (in my opinion) and relaxed.

I have found a great group (ATC -that deal with drawing and painting atc's and I feel right at home.

Just my opinion :)
Have a great day!!!1
Laura Jean :|

1 comment:

Shelly McC said...

Hi Laura Jean,
Its Shelly from draw_paint. I agree, it is a wonderful group and I too feel right at home there. I am a scrapbooker too.