First day of School
It is the first day of school for my kids today. Oldest started highschool and my youngest is in 1st grade all day yipppee.
Well I am waiting for my water to boil for my morning coffee. Then I am off to straighten up my hubby changed careers as of today so he had butterflies like the kids. Not sure how long he will be gone today. He brought all his tools home from his airframe mechanic work so there is a huge pile of tools in the house now. lol
Kids get out of school early the first week so my oldest will be home in a little over 4 hours so I am outta here to make my coffee watter is boiling. Then to find and get to my drafting table to work on swaps etc.
Enjoying this week cause possibly next week I am moving my work room again.
But when I move this time I need to be super organized. plus I am tired of creating in a mess lol.
Well I am outta here have a great day:)
Mona Lisa Slide Show
Mona Lisa ATC's 2.5" x 3.5"
August 29, 2005
August 27, 2005

Collage/ gel matte medium transfered skeleton/canvas board
4 x 6 inches
I decided to try collage on canvas board. I did "Born to hunt" last night and today I worked on "Where Are You" today.
For the skeleton I tried a technique I have never tried before. Gel Medium transfer. That technique is fun and addictive.
Going to go work on some atcs for a swap. Hee Hee
Oh I did get my Fridge today yippee brand new and clean lol
Need to go to store to fill it. LOL
Have a great day!!!!!!
August 26, 2005
My fridge died sometime last night and all my stuff got ruined.
Called the landlords awhile ago and waiting for them to call back. She said that someone would come over and look at it but I think it would be cheaper for them to just buy us a new one cross my fingers. lol.
My studio is in my dinning room by the patio door which would be the easiest way to get a fridge in or out so stuff is temp in my kids room. LOL Just some of it so there is room to get in and out the back lol.
Well just waiting for the landlord to call back to see if someone is coming to fix or we are getting a new one. grrrrr. I hate waiting. Well at least my house got clean out of the deal lol.
I am hoping they get this stuff done with the fridge in a hurry. Need to buy milk for my kids :(
well going to surf around the net don't want to get into creating if people are going to be coming and going. ;)
My fridge died sometime last night and all my stuff got ruined.
Called the landlords awhile ago and waiting for them to call back. She said that someone would come over and look at it but I think it would be cheaper for them to just buy us a new one cross my fingers. lol.
My studio is in my dinning room by the patio door which would be the easiest way to get a fridge in or out so stuff is temp in my kids room. LOL Just some of it so there is room to get in and out the back lol.
Well just waiting for the landlord to call back to see if someone is coming to fix or we are getting a new one. grrrrr. I hate waiting. Well at least my house got clean out of the deal lol.
I am hoping they get this stuff done with the fridge in a hurry. Need to buy milk for my kids :(
well going to surf around the net don't want to get into creating if people are going to be coming and going. ;)
August 25, 2005

Busy Thursday Night lol
Anniversary Card my hubby and I got from my mom (Lila)
Tonight is going to be busy have 2 open houses at schools tonight at the same time yikes. Some how we manage to do it. Thank goodness my oldest high school open house is not till the 31st lol.
I have created folders to keep track of everyones stuff for school 3 different schools to remeber this year. :)
Going to striaghten up house really quick and look through some artsy supplies to see what I have before I start projects. lol .
I want to try to be caught up on swaps to have them at least ready to mail.
So when kids go back to school on monday I can start getting busy on my website Altered Inspiration. :) (coming in a few months)
August 24, 2005

Was my 14th anniversary today
"Cha Cha"
Artist Trading Card
I am having a great day!!!
Its was my 14th wedding anniversary today. This morning my hubby Jeff took
me bowling for a couple of games we had not played in about 10yrs that
was interesting untill we got the hang of it. lol
Then they have an old fashion type diner in the bowling alley so we
had a hamburger and shake at the counter hee hee. Then he bought me a
coffee drink at the coffee house down the street.
He took our son to shoot paintballs with a bunch of friends
and my oldest was at a friends house so its just me and kira (my 6yr
old daughter) We ate dinner together I got her a
kids tv dinner. And we watched the spongebob movie LOL LOL
. I am such a huge fan of spongebob :)
NO Creating today but hope to tommorow. :)
August 23, 2005

Creating a lot of collaged artist trading cards
The past couple of days I have been into collaged artist trading cards.
This one is called In the pumpkin patch :)
Created with collage and acrylic
I am making some halloween atc's for swap on one of the trading card groups I belong to.
I will probably make some to trade too. Hee Hee
Also have some fall paper art items to work on for swaps too. As hot as the summer has been can not wait for fall. My favorite time of the year. It cools off is pretty outside and bugs are not as bad. :)
Planning a shopping trip to Dick Blick with my kids on Friday we will see how the weather is. lol
Have a creative day!!!!
Have a creative day!!!
August 22, 2005

Fall Tag done for a swap
What a weekend !!!!
Friday I cleaned up the house and had a poker/pizza night at our house for my hubby's bday. Our friend Kevin came over. Our son decided to spend the night at a friends house and our youngest was at a get together with some classmates :)
Saturday I lazied around all day and watched tv with hubby and after dinner we went to Kev's to watch big brother on tv and hubby fixed his computer. Then we ended up at Barnes and Noble hanging out. ;)
Sunday I worked on a bunch of swaps for my moms swap stuff I made this pretty fall tag for the swap. LOL
Last night I was up till 2 am collaging. LOL
Have a great day!!!

August 18, 2005
Added new stuff to blog yesterday :)
Yesterday I add a couple of cool things my daughter helped me find she is 14 and loves her blog and is having a blast doing it. :)
On the side bar you will notice I added a cute little bunny you can play with. Just move your mouse around the bunny and watch it hop around lol.
I also added a video of one of my all time favorite songs. By Red Hot Chili Peppers I find this video very artsy. LOL
Hee Hee!!!
Have great night I am out of here.
Yesterday I add a couple of cool things my daughter helped me find she is 14 and loves her blog and is having a blast doing it. :)
On the side bar you will notice I added a cute little bunny you can play with. Just move your mouse around the bunny and watch it hop around lol.
I also added a video of one of my all time favorite songs. By Red Hot Chili Peppers I find this video very artsy. LOL
Hee Hee!!!
Have great night I am out of here.

I am so tired of the heat!!!
This summer has been way to hot.
I am ready for fall and possibly winter lol .
This snowman I made last year for a paperpieced snowman swap. LOL
I love to play with paper so much it is so relaxing to me very cool to cut paper and watch it turn into something neat. ;)
This week has been kinda hectic. My hubby got a new job and starts on the 29th so my head has been spinning. My kids are coming and going getting ready for the new school year.
I signed up for quit a few swaps and tommorow between kids coming and going and getting ready for my hubby's bday which is tommorow he will be 33 lol.
I also need to make some more collage and painted atcs.
Lots to do and so little time to do it in.
Well I am off to bed so I can be ready for my busy day tommorow.
August 13, 2005

Here you go Kira :)
I promised I would show off some of my 6yr olds
artist trading cards.
She had fun making these.
We have a future ATC trader. lol
She also does painted ones etc.
Proud mom I am. Heee Heee
Today I am going to straighten up the apartment for when kids come back and I want to do some creating today.
Have a creative day!!!
August 12, 2005

Today I took a bus downtown to dick blick to get some gel medium and they had a grandopening sale going on. Danger Danger. I walked out with the gel medium and several tubes of acrylic 1.78 each what a buy. A paint pan, pop dots and the damage was not too bad.
Went to starbucks to have carmel machiato which tasted awful and a blueberry scone that was pretty good.
Then I want to a bus stop to wait for my bus home in the pouring rain and humidity. While standing there this old lady that was 80 and dressed a little slutty. Told me and this other guy about her hot sex life eeeww. With luck to us but not the vehicals in the street there was a fender bender so another distraction and no more sex stories from a little old lady lol.
Ordered some food for my hubby and me and we had lunch he is having such a hard time with the job situation. He is really struggling right now.
Watching spongebob marathon and clean up workroom before my kids get back and work on some artsy stuff. :)
I love to artsy things to everything these are some slides I made my youngest a couple of years ago for her bday. Slides are great fun.
Have a creative day!!!
Life is too short for traffic. ~Dan Bellack
August 11, 2005

Hoping for a creative day!!!
Today I am going to work on my weaved atc's Bright Flower cards for swaps. I am also hoping to get to initially yours atc swap and work on some other swap item, Cds, tags and cards.
Might stop later this afternoon have a book I really want to read. Chocolate Bear Burglary. A fun mystery book that takes place in michigan and a chocolate shop the author is JoAnne Carl.
Well I am off to chat with my mom and friend John online and then eat lunch with hubby, get creative and enjoy a good book .
Have a Creative day!!!
Love unlocks doors and opens windows that weren't even there before.
~Mignon McLaughlin
August 08, 2005

Miss my kids :(
With my kids away in ND. I am really missing them. Really need a hug from my kids.
Been a creating fool when it comes to my collaged and stamped atcs , but as far as
painted/drawn atcs I am drawing a blank. lol
Still feeling very sleepy. Went to the mill coffee house this morning had a cup of french vanilla coffee. And did computer work.
Straightened up the house and did dishes. Then watched some star trek next gen where picard becomes a borg love that episode. I love all the borg episodes. lol
Posted a swap for altered cds on my moms group I am a moderator on.
Well its almost 4pm I am going to work on some swaps so I can mail them out tommorow.
Tonight hubby and I are having hamburger helper and carrots. Then I think we will veg or I will he may have another resume to get out.
Well I am off to create :)
Have a creative day!!!
August 07, 2005

What a day!!!
I could not seem to wake up today.
Went to church this morning and then my hubby grandma took us out to eat. We went to village inn.
I got home around 12:30 and could not get motivated to do anything so I layed on the couch and watched the history channel the show about dragons was pretty cool.
Tonight got a call from my kids. My two oldest did the rock climbing wall and my oldest daughter got about 1/2 way up and my son got to the top twice and rang the bell yipppee.
My youngest made a new friend with my cousins son. :)
Hubby and I made a red baron pizza to split.
And we lazed around watching tv.
I think I am going to get ready for bed maybe get a good night sleep tonight. I can barely keep my eyes open today.
The Artist trading card I made called "Love " is available for trade.
Have a great night !!!!
August 06, 2005
August 05, 2005

Tonight is the night my hubby and I watch some of our favorite
shows on the sci fi channel.
Not sure what I am going to do for dinner tonight lol
May just order out food. Chinese food sounds good for tonight :)
This is an artist trading card I made for a group I belong to it is already traded.
I have started a new yahoo group that will have a website to go along with it.
It is called Altered Inspiration
It is a place for you to be inspired to do your art and learn wonderful techniques related to altered art and art cards(2.5 x 3.5) we are just starting out and working on building a larger membership. The website that goes along with the group is planned to be up and running by Oct/Nov 2005. It will be a great resource for inspiration, learning techniques etc.
I hope those of you who love to be inspired and make altered art will join me.
I am going to work on some art dolls today and finish up a swap I owe :)
Have a creative day!!!!
August 04, 2005
August 03, 2005

I had a blast yesterday working on a paper weaved atc card.
Before I cut and weaved I hand painted some watercolor paper with acrylics.
Today I am going to add a final detail to the weaved cards and will scan once everything is dry.
Well I am off to create have a great day!!!!!
August 02, 2005

Today I went downtown on the bus to the newly moved Dick Blick art supply store. It is in our university book store and it is just huge. Got some supplies I needed then walked over to the starbucks a few blocks away and had an iced coffee with carmel.
I then caught the bus home and my hubby came home for lunch. Then I worked on a cool technique for an atc card I did paper weaving. I will scan it and show you tommorow.
Have a great night!!
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