Mona Lisa Slide Show

Mona Lisa ATC's 2.5" x 3.5"

August 22, 2005

"Children are......"
artist trading card
"Bed of Flowers"
artist trading card

"Rich Kitty"
artist trading card

artist trading card

Fall Tag done for a swap

What a weekend !!!!
Friday I cleaned up the house and had a poker/pizza night at our house for my hubby's bday. Our friend Kevin came over. Our son decided to spend the night at a friends house and our youngest was at a get together with some classmates :)

Saturday I lazied around all day and watched tv with hubby and after dinner we went to Kev's to watch big brother on tv and hubby fixed his computer. Then we ended up at Barnes and Noble hanging out. ;)

Sunday I worked on a bunch of swaps for my moms swap stuff I made this pretty fall tag for the swap. LOL

Last night I was up till 2 am collaging. LOL

Have a great day!!!
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